The Police
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Coffee with a cop and free bike marking in Cambridge

Dear Resident,

We are holding a coffee with a cop/free bike marking event tomorrow.

We'll be at the The C3 Church in Brooks Road on Wednesday 19th between 11am and 1pm.

If you have a bike, bring it along to be marked for free. The process only takes a few minutes and follows the steps below: 

1. Add your bike details to the national police-approved database 

2. Mark and protect your bike with a security marking kit 

3. Reduce the risk of theft by warning thieves that your bike is marked and increase the chances of you being reunited with it, if it happens to get stolen

If you don't have a bike, we'd still love to meet you, to introduce ourselves and hear of any issues you have living or working in the area.

If you can't make it but have a concern to raise, tell us here.

We do hope to see you at one of our events.

Kind Regards,

PC Sarah Pride

Cambridge Neighbourhood Team

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Tara Dundon
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