The Police
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Five drink drive arrests this weekend in Peterborough


Dear Resident,


Our winter drink drive campaign may have come to an end for another year, but our efforts to crackdown on those flouting the law hasn’t!


Over the weekend, in and around Peterborough we arrested and charged five men all with drink driving and driving without a licence (one of whom is already disqualified!)


  • 39-year-old in Millfield – blew 69 and is in court later this month
  • 29-year-old in Eastfield – blew 65 and is in court next month
  • 38-year-old in Millfield – blew 68 and is in court later this month
  • 39-year-old in Woodston – blew 84 and is in court today
  • 27-year-old in Whittlesey – blew 61 and is in court today

    Throughout December, 86 drink and drug driving related arrests were made across the county, 23 of which were in Peterborough.


    Of the 23, 15 have been charged so far (with the others all on bail) and five already sentenced and being disqualified from driving for periods ranging from one to four years and handed fines ranging from £120 up to £600.


    Did you know we’ve got a dedicated, confidential hotline for members of the public to report drink or drug driving – 0800 032 0845.


    It is available 24/7 and gives you the chance to supply us with information to help reduce the number of drink or drug drivers on the county’s roads.


    Information about drink or drug driving, the law and the dangers it can cause, can be found on our dedicated webpage here.


    Kind regards,

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    Message Sent By
    Lauren Alexander
    (Police, Senior Communications Officer, Peterborough and Fenland)

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