The Police
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Cannabis factory found in Wisbech St Mary

Dear Resident,


Well this was an unexpected find by our Wisbech neighbourhood team yesterday!



We had a call from a delivery driver who had some concerns about a property they’d just tried to deliver a parcel to in Wisbech St Mary, noticing all the windows were covered up and could smell cannabis.


Our neighbourhood officers went out to the house and discovered this cannabis factory worth up to about £87,000!



No one was in, so no arrests have been made just yet, but enquiries are ongoing.


If you’ve got information or concerns about drugs, you can report via our dedicated drugs information webpage where you will also find information about how to spot the signs of living next to a cannabis factory.


Kind regards,

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Message Sent By
Lauren Alexander
(Police, Senior Communications Officer, Peterborough and Fenland)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials