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Youth engagement event success in Millfield

Dear Resident,


As part of our work around ‘Alliance’ to improve and regenerate Millfield, our Eastern Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) organised a sporting event for young people in the area to attend and meet the team on Saturday.


Students from Peterborough College’s Uniformed Services course, as well as young people from local community groups, joined us at Gladstone Community Centre for a couple of hours.



Through these events we’re working on building skills such as teamwork, leadership and also the importance of physical fitness which are crucial in their future careers if they do go down the route of joining us as an officer.


The event offered the students an opportunity to ask questions and gain an insight into policing – they were particularly interested in learning about specialist roles within policing, and what to expect from initial training and being tutored as a student officer.


It was a great experience for us all, which we are looking forward to continuing in the future.


You can read about Alliance on our dedicated webpage here.


Kind regards,

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Message Sent By
Lauren Alexander
(Police, Senior Communications Officer, Peterborough and Fenland)

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