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Car Wash Visits to Combat Modern Slavery

Dear Resident,


We wanted to share an important update on our recent efforts to combat modern slavery in the community. 

Earlier this week, our neighbourhood officers visited ten car wash venues across Huntingdon, St Neots, and St Ives.

During the visits, officers engaged with workers, checking their well-being and providing essential advice on workers’ rights. Thankfully, no victims were found at any of the sites.

It is crucial to recognise that, despite the majority of hand car washes being legitimate businesses, the industry has witnessed cases of modern slavery nationally, making it a focal point for our attention.

Signs of modern slavery relevant to car washes include:

- Individuals appearing overly tired 

- Showing signs of physical abuse 

- Seeming intimidated by employers

- Lacking protective equipment

- Not having the freedom to come and go as they wish

- Being unpaid or paid very little

- Working excessively long hours. 


Inspector Colin Norden, who led the initiative highlighted: “Ensuring the welfare of our community is paramount, and our visits underscore our commitment to combat modern slavery. Our engagement sends a clear message that we are vigilant in protecting people against exploitation.” 

We encourage everyone to be aware of the signs of modern slavery and report anything suspicious. Your vigilance can make a significant impact, and we would much rather attend a premises and discover everything is legitimate than have a victim of slavery trapped in a horrific situation. 

For more information on recognising signs of modern slavery or to make a report, please visit our dedicated webpage: https://bit.ly/3ZuXNQv  


Thank you for your ongoing support in creating a safer community. 


Best regards, 

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Message Sent By
Jack Mitchell
(Police, Communications Assistant , Corporate Communications )

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