The Police
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Recent theft from vehicles in Northborough

Dear Resident,


Do you store tools in a van overnight outside your home?


We have recently had reports of resident’s vans being broken into and tools taken from the vehicle during the night.


The first incident took place in Granville Avenue overnight on 25 January where a van was broken into and tools stolen.


The second was the following night in Lincoln Road where the rear door lock was forced open, however the van was empty and nothing was stolen.


Here are some tips to try and prevent this from happening to you:

  • Get the tools inside clearly marked. Having your details marked onto the tools makes them less desirable and more difficult to sell on as they can be easily identified. This can be done by visiting the immobilise website.
  • Install small cameras that are designed the record inside vehicles. if your vehicle is ever broken into, this can help us in identifying who has done it.
  • Keep a regularly updated inventory of what is kept in your vehicle, so it is easy to spot if anything goes missing. When doing so, make a note of the serial numbers as these will help us to reunite you with the items if they are recovered.
  • Reverse your van onto the drive. This makes it harder for thieves as they will have to walk round the vehicle and could set off outside lighting.
  • Further advice can be found on our dedicated vehicle safety webpage.


    Your local neighbourhood officers have been and will continue to carry out patrols of the area during their late shifts this week to try and deter the issue.


    If you see something suspicious or this happens to you, please report it to us by calling 101 or through our online reports. Always call 999 if you believe a crime is in action or someone is in immediate danger.


    We would also be interested in seeing any footage from video doorbells or CCTV which may capture any suspicious activity. This can be passed to us via our website’s online reporting function.


    Kind regards,

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    Message Sent By
    Lucy Ward
    (Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Communications Assistant, Peterborough and Fenland)

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